SEA | The mission of the Euro-Atlantic Association
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The mission of the Euro-Atlantic Association

The mission of the Euro-Atlantic Association

The Euro-Atlantic Association is a social organization whose goal since its foundation remains to strengthen the pro-Atlantic orientation of Polish citizens. We treat NATO and the European Union as a communities of values. Both organizations form the bedrock of the modern, democratic world of the West.

The unity of the Western world and the defense of common values ​​are especially important for Poland. In the time of crisis, affecting the European Union and NATO, the Euro-Atlantic Association considers its key mission to maintain a clearly pro-Western orientation of Poles and Poland.

Political differences and diversity of views are a natural phenomenon. They have been a driving force for development many times in history. However, we are convinced that in matters related to security and strategy, we should build a dialogue above political divisions.

The Polish society is divided. In the era of such acute political divisions, initiatives that exceed party divisions are particularly needed. The Euro-Atlantic Association is convinced that it is possible and necessary to build a dialogue around matters related to Polish security by crossing party barriers. We are ready to actively participate in such a dialogue and initiate it if necessary.

Next year, we will celebrate 20 years since Poland’s accession to NATO and 15 years since becoming a member of the European Union. The generation entering adulthood is brought up in the conditions of security and prosperity unknown in the history of the Republic of Poland. This does not mean, however, that such a situation is given once and for all. Strengthening and preserving the transatlantic ties, preventing tendencies shattering political Europe is also a task for those who do not remember another reality. SEA wants to be a platform for debate of various generations of Polish public life.

The overarching goal is to care for the development and security of Poland. They do not have political-party colors. The Euro-Atlantic Association was and will be a platform connecting all those who want a strong Poland rooted in the strong and democratic world of the West. It was the dream of a generation that 100 years ago rebuilt Polish independence and generations that brought Poland to the EU and NATO. The next generation must build and protect the Western world. And this requires an effort which is not less than its construction.

Ambassador Jerzy Marek Nowakowski, expert of the Industrial Committee of SEA

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